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tv   NEWS LIVE - 30  Al Jazeera  April 22, 2018 8:00pm-8:33pm +03

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the syrian civil war. what is different is that each day some people will live until to morrow so many innocent people from around the world the bats and balls are several years old the really good players could end up trading a cricket academy and maybe one day play for the national team. if you are in beijing looking out the pacific ocean you'd see american warships. was there somehow time is aiming to replace america and go around the world for the chinese and not the stupid guys want to dominate a huge chunk of the planet this sounds like a preparation for our first president george washington said if you want peace prepare for war the coming war on china part one on a jersey. sixty
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three people are dead and hundreds of others are injured after bomb attacks on voting centers in afghanistan. hello i'm maryam namazie in london you're watching al-jazeera also coming up protests an opposition leader arrests in armenia as the new prime minister walks out of a t.v. discussion and rejects demands that he quit. a journalist becomes the latest victim of the deadly protests in nicaragua while broadcasting live. and the roller coaster relations between north korea and the u.s. an exclusive report on how much is known by the people of pyongyang.
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welcome to the program our top story on this have attacked more voter registration centers in afghanistan killing sixty three people and injuring more than one hundred others. fifty seven people were killed in kabul when a suicide bomber blew himself up at the entrance of a scent of their just north of the city in baghlan province an explosive place near another voting center killed six people from the same family follows a week of attacks targeting voters on friday gunmen hit a voter registration center in baghdad's province killing a police officer a day on demand killed two police officers in jalalabad city as they guarded a voter registration center and on tuesday attackers kidnapped three employees and two policemen from a voting center in gore province maryon hundred ports on the latest attacks. police say a suicide bomb addition ated explosives at the doorway of a voter registration seemed in kabul where afghans received identification cards for elections and not toba longer use them when i arrived at the scene we helped
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many wounded people to carry them to the hospital all the victims were women and children who were here to get their identity cards and registration for election. the blast happened in wiston kabul when many of the minorities shia has a community live it's the latest in a series of attacks on voter registration seemed is they opened just last week part of the long process to get afghans properly registered allegations of fraud have long plagued elections in afghanistan the registration process is designed to guard against that the independent election commission says it hopes as many as fifteen million people will register for the parliamentary and district council elections but the election commissioner admits turnout so far is already low a senior member of the afghan army had told afghans they would be safe that afghan forces would be there to maintain security at voter registration same tis this
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latest blast will do little to reassure afghans it's worth the risk made in holland zero. abdullah shah hood has more from kabul. now the death toll could rise because there are a number of people who are critically wounded number of women and children were among these casualties there were a couple of other attacks in the past week on these water just ration centers throughout afghanistan we have heard attacks in northern afghanistan in western afghanistan. also the election commission. members are concerned about the turnout in october the election they were expecting more people to come and turnout for the water registration they're not satisfied with the numbers that they're receiving the concern is the security at the afghan government
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is. telling the afghans that they will be able to secure these polling stations and they have promised to secure these polling station now we spoke to one official in southern afghanistan and how month province where he says just just in helmand province five of the districts or not. going to witness any elections because the taliban have full control of those districts. police in armenia have detained the opposition politician. and two of his colleagues who have been leading anti-government protests was arrested shortly after an unsuccessful meeting with the newly appointed prime minister. he's demanding the lead to step down accusing him of a power grab a former military officer who backs moscow sarkozy and was elected president in two thousand and eight and served two five yet terms on the his watch the constitution
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was changed in two thousand and fifteen shifting most state house to the prime minister and making the presidency a largely ceremonial post on tuesday parliament approved sarkozy on as prime minister under the new parliamentary system but to say this effectively makes our christiane armenia's leader for life sunny gago has more. the tenth day of mass demonstrations in the capital yerevan and there's no sign of them slowing down they are large as protests seen in armenia figure is tens of thousands of protesters blocked roads in the city center. police arrested three opposition leaders provoking yet more anger. at the appointment of former presidents or sarkisyan as the country's prime minister armenia's a ruling republican party nominated psaki said as its candidate more than a week ago opponents accused him of engineering
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a power grab so i guess you know who was president for ten years the night he had any intention of becoming prime minister that was until a few weeks ago when he made public the decision to run. to the protests and calls for his resignation by his political opponents. a faction that got seven or eight percent of the parliamentary vote has no rights to speak on behalf of the people. if you do not accept the legitimate requirements of the state and goodbye what he's adamant he won't quit his new role as prime minister so he seems legacy as president poses several challenges i mean here has struggled economically for two decades and despite actually dependent on russia the official unemployment rate is at nearly twenty percent with a third of the population living below the poverty line and the main industries are
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in the hands of the business elite including the prime minister on top of all this the borders with azerbaijan and turkey remain closed and there is little movement in normalising obvious relations with its neighbors something i never al-jazeera. i'm joined in the studio now by lit a senior analyst on armenia i global insight thanks very. much for coming in to speak to us how will the protests that we're seeing now compared to the demonstrations back in two thousand and two thousand and eight are they going to be worse well in terms of the turnout that looks like. it's a lot larger than what we've seen in the prost. but it's completely different dynamics different a tactics and this is why this did it did what's going to unfold is quite unpredictable in that sense the this is mostly a movement it's not really a political party opposition party leading this movement they are adopting the
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tactics of peaceful civil disobedience to self organization is critical here but the key is that the. emerged leaders of the movement at the moment are arrested so if we're looking for a negotiated settlement it will be quite difficult to achieve and the opposition leader eros is that going to give these protest further momentum but what we've seen in their arrest has backfired because more people came out on the streets be very difficult to see how these people will go back to the status quo i simply cannot see how the status quo can be restored but at the same time judging by the statements or after prime minister there is no realization yet that they have crossed a certain red line that there is no going back or the prime minister is defiant
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sarkozy on is saying that he completely rejects any calls for him to step down so far we have seen clashes between demonstrators and riot police but if the protests continue could we see police using much more heavy handed tactics what we are hearing from the ground and also. examining the footage that we're getting from our mimi's that it's not just right please we see people who are not in uniforms in masks so it's very difficult actually to ascertain as to what tactics is being used and how these clashes are occurring what i can refer to is that organizers of the pros. yes they're saying that refrain from violence because that will be our undoing and on the other hand the president is warning about making reference to march the first when he was elected for the first time and they were riots and they and it would have ten people so it is quite
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a tense situation and the likelihood of violence is is really hard and we know that sarkozy and did the newly appointed prime minister met with key opposition leader nicole. on sunday but the talks ended pretty much very quickly just after a few minutes with the prime minister saying i'm not putting up with this i won't deal with ultimatums should the who are we going to see any should the opposition engage perhaps that much more in dialogue if anything just to prevent violence and loss of life on the streets but i think to come to a sort of compromise or a negotiated settlement there have to be two things first of all the prime minister and his ruling party have to really accept that things have changed on the ground at the moment it seems that they believe a day because they have such a large police force that they can go back to status quo on the other hand the
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opposition has to come up with a leadership and. people who will see through the roadmap to any political changes but they are aspiring to it has to be systematic change it has to be the change of the oligarchy not just one person for example it be really bad from india if there are steps down and the deputy prime minister for example takes the vote because ultimately these protests are against the oligarchy it is about and so so he is the embodiment of that system that has disenfranchised politically and economically many armenians. thirty percent of the population under the poverty line so it is a long journey there are a lot of problems and it really requires wisdom from both sides and again. but if the government feels that they have enough police force to to do was protest
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than that could be quite dangerous miscalculation and the opposition has to come up with a girl getting thank you very much from very explaining the underlying cause as to what is happening in armenia right now let's give out again from i.h.s. global insight now pope francis has called for an end to the violence a nicaraguan where more than twenty people including a journalist have been killed in anti-government protests over the past week on how it got on scene here in the blue shirt was shot dead while he was reporting about the protests live on facebook his colleagues of blame to government sniper for his death protests broke out after controversial plans by the president to take and his government to overhaul the workers' pensions. people in barbwire voting in presidential elections on sunday in a poll that's likely to return the ruling colorado party to power party candidate mario a forty six year old former senator is the favorite to win he's pledged to support the pro-business policies of outgoing president horacio cartels but or costa just the party could lose seats so ahead for you on the program prevented from getting
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treatment that could save their limbs the protesters targeted by israeli sniper fire in gaza and efforts to revive you case forgotten transport network and make it more environmentally friendly. welcome back as we take a look at weather conditions across the levant and western parts of asia there is quite a lot of cloud developing here and we're going to see rain across parts of iraq and through into iran and it's going to be quite heavy at times it could be some localized flooding here as we're not a cloud across the southern portion of the caspian sea back you just on the edge of that cloud east there is fine and warm tashkent there is becky stanhope at twenty nine degrees celsius around the eastern side of the mediterranean weather conditions are generally looking fine at the moment on indeed with that light winds
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and what winds are coming from the south beirut should be up into the mid twenty's now here in the arabian peninsula weather conditions largely fine certainly on the western side the potential heat should be pleasant in mecca there with highs of thirty seven but we have got an area of low pressure moving across the region so more in the way of cloud likely across qatar and through the other gulf states highs of just thirty three here in the council during the course of choose day a monday and tuesday stage more in the way of cloud pushing across other areas but it should stay a largely dry that is the southern portions of africa weather conditions here gerri looking fine sunshine for many really we have got a weak front there just pushing in towards cape town and that could well give some much welcome rain in the latter part of the day.
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welcome back the top stories this hour attacked a voter registration centers in afghanistan killing sixty three people and injuring more than one hundred others. police in armenia have detained three opposition leaders who've been leading anti-government protest demonstrators accuse the former
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president of orchestrating a power grab and pope francis has called for an end to violence in nicaragua as police are accused of using live rounds against demonstrators. on now to syria where the government has continued to pummel a suburb of damascus without tarion aerial bombardment to force eisel fighters out they've said they'll leave the enclave in the capital south but a yet to surrender to pro-government forces the area including the palestinian refugee camp is the last remaining under rebel control niet the syrian capital of the north in syria rebel fighters from the district of northern aleppo following one of the evacuation deals negotiated by russia many of the fighters belong to the armed group jaish al islam reports. it's been a long journey for syria's rebel fighters of the before. and old busses to logon to syria. the rebels had no choice they were taught to
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surrender or face and bombardment. color moon in mountainous area near the capital damascus was once a rebel stronghold but government troops have recently managed to recapture most of the area following a military offensive. we have lost the war will remain strong we will return to our homes we have been oppressed for fifty years when we rose against the government we did it in a peaceful way what we wanted was political reforms. we agreed to the evacuation deal to protect civilians so we headed over control of our town to the government in exchange rebel fighters were forced to leave behind their heavy weapons armored vehicles and tanks. is seven years since the syrian opposition was
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gaining territory and advancing to worse the capital. now the syrian army backed by a russia is on the offensive. tat tree under rebel control is shrinking and government troops have the upper hand thousands of fighters from islam survive and in dormer and what evacuated along with their families to the north. was one of the most armed groups in syria it was tasked with securing the capital for the opposition to defeat president bashar assad and his forces. are. police in malaysia say the killing of a palestinian man in kuala lumpur was a highly professional operation which makes it hard to trace any evidence and investigation is underway after engineer. was shot at ten times on saturday is families blaming the israeli security service mossad for his murder
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a mass is vowing revenge for the killing of one of its members israel's defense minister claims the engineer was working to improve the accuracy of rockets fired from gaza meanwhile palestinian protesters in gaza have been shot by israeli soldiers have suffered what medical charity doctors without borders call devastating injuries of unusual severity the medical help group says it treated more patients this month than in the whole of two thousand and fourteen when israel launched its last war in gaza from there been a smith reports do this after injury the food become. very civil the schema that he called a total of four you may run out of luck last week he says he's been a regular protester at the border fence between gaza and israel before an israeli sniper shot of. the field six hours after injury can be the seat of the limb an excellent result after six hours on the occasion is
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very hard it is for you. to save his leg within that short time eighteen year old tyler needed specialist treatment in the occupied west bank israel said no because he'd been protesting. in a neighboring ward use of all crowns a nineteen year old freelance photographer waited two weeks for permission to leave for surgery only an order from israel supremes court open the gates from gaza the health ministry says there have been seventeen amputations so far and most of those could have been avoided if the victims have been allowed to travel to the occupied west bank but only three patients have been allowed to leave gaza. for all of them including use of it was too late to avoid amputation now in ramallah use of other wounded leg will likely be saved for you to be dead. i was wearing a bullet proof vest with a press logo i was seven hundred fifty meters from the fence taking pictures as i
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headed away i got shot i tried to stand using the tripod then another bullet hit me doctors in the occupied west bank say they've been shocked by the severity of the gunshot wounds. nor it seems the snobbism liberally shot to paralyze most of the injuries are under the knees difficult to reconnect destroyed nerves. when we go back to seattle after his amputation he seems perhaps surprisingly on phased when my wounds heal i will go back to the border and become from where i ended if he does he knows the risks israel says anyone closer than three hundred metres to the fence is a security threat and risks being shot bernard smith al jazeera gaza egypt has extended the detention of al-jazeera journalist not let his saying by another forty five days egyptian national was arrested while on holiday there in two thousand and sixteen he spent nearly five hundred days in jail and is yet to be
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charged zain is accused of broadcasting false news with the amos fighting chaos al-jazeera strongly denies the allegations and calls on egypt to unconditionally release his saying. turkey's election body has given the go ahead to the newly formed eve party to stand in snap elections the party was formed by the country's interior minister to challenge the dominance of the current president russia type one it's secular and nationalists and wants to improve relations with the european union there had been fears the party would be barred from running in the june poll because it didn't have enough seats in parliament but fifteen members of the main opposition party of switched their member sit ship to meet the threshold. or now to zimbabwe where nurses of called off their strike and will return to work on monday the union representing the nurses that the strike had become politicized and hopes the nurses return will reopen the negotiations five hundred nurses demanded better pay and working conditions during
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a protest in harare on wednesday after sixteen thousand others on strike was sacked zimbabwe's government has been trying to contain labor unrest in the country out of elections in july well u.s. president donald trump says the north korean crisis is far from over and he's striking a cautious note to day after the north's pledge to end its nuclear and missile tests the leaders of north and south korea due to meet on friday ahead of a u.s. north korea meeting within weeks trump is piling on the pressure on kim jong un to abandon all its nuclear ambitions but what to north koreans think a diplomatic editor james base has been given rare access to the capital pyongyang he finds out whether trump is on anyone's mind. this is one way north koreans relax at the weekend. the last few days have been a diplomatic roller coaster because people enjoy the from fear in pyongyang their
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own the worry of much of what's happened. ordinary people have not been told the cia director came his secretly that their leader is negotiating with the us all that he's planning a face to face meeting with the country's sworn enemy donald trump so when you ask people here about trump they tell you what they've been told repeatedly in the past by the state controlled media from the mine mandrel every korean gets furious when we hear what trump says he threatens her dilate the entire korean nation is even a human he is a wolf. down by the river they were playing volleyball. this is where i met a young medical student. i don't have a. five year old american people but the american government
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i hated america imperial. imperial i feel like why. all the korean people. at the prison. no date venue has yet been set for the meeting between supreme leader kim jong il on and president trump one report says the u.s. leader would like to meet him alone with only interpreters diplomats here of told me that would give kim who knows the nuclear issue intimately a big advantage kim jong un is half the age of donald trump but he's already run this country for more than six years and while the trumpet administration's policy on north korea has evolved during more the one year in office the north korean leader has built on the nuclear strategy inherited from his father and from his grandfather james valets al-jazeera young yet. korean
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airlines chairman young has apologized for the behavior of his daughter has announced that they left their positions at the company form a senior vice president joe hall in is still on the police investigation for allegedly throwing water at someone in a business meeting earlier this month her oldest sister heather was jailed for ordering a plane to return to its gate at new york's j.f.k. airport in two thousand and fourteen because she was macadamia nuts in a bag not a bowl in first class now the united kingdom government is threatening to crackdown on social media companies that are not doing enough to protect children using their sites the secretary jeremy hunt has written a letter to platforms like facebook google and twitter giving them until the end of the month to explain what steps they are going to take all risk legislation it wants them to cut under-age use prevent cyber bullying and encourage healthy screentime or u.k. has thousands of kilometers of any land waterways rivers and canals old built to
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move goods in the nineteenth century but for many years they were neglected now as roads get busy of businesses and environmental groups are looking for new ways to revive a forgotten transport network as new fokker reports from london. life of britain's waterways moves at an unhurried pace. rows upon its pilots pleasure boats reaching its canal in london these wants to go back to back quarters of attracting new life. before i worked on the waterways i was close to leaving london i think there's something about the community that lives around the water there's something about water in itself that's quite call me to think that you can do down here this is a small section of a three thousand kilometer network of canals and navigable rivers in the u.k. many in the early nineteenth century britons industrial revolution to move heavy
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goods such as ion and coal today only five percent are used to transport goods most a simply about. british roads becoming increasingly congested environmental groups are encouraging more companies to move from wheels to water today there are more boats on the waterways than there were at the height of the industrial revolution but they tend to be used for leisure purposes for living and for holidays the canals have become a focus for revival whether used to be kind of a national disgrace they're now the focus to government findings the most damaging way of hauling congo is by road for air quality and costly to maintain. so why don't more companies use in the waterways water transport is slow only eight kilometers an hour in a city canals. where there's an attractive economy of scale the fast growing ports like this on london's river thames are exploiting. the river has been deepened to
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allow massive tankers closer to the capital. britain's waterways were once the arteries of the industrial revolution and with the u.k. now poised to exit the new they could play another vital role in bringing the world's goods to the u.k. and the u.k.'s goods to the rest of the world. during the building of london's olympic park two million tons of building material arrived at construction sites by water helping to deliver one of the greenest games in history. several british supermarkets are now also conducting shipping trials on the country's waterways many of these industrial relics could soon play a role in steering the economy of the future leave. london oh you can take a ride around our website if you like out there dot com. a
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look at the top stories now sixty three people have died and more than one hundred have been injured in attacks on voter registration centers in afghanistan fifty seven people were killed after a suicide bomber detonated explosives outside a center in the capital kabul the area targeted has a population that is mostly made up of shia hazaar is then there was another attack just north of the city in baghlan province where an explosive killed six people from the same family. has more from kabul of the rouer couple of other attacks in the past recon these woodridge a solution centers throughout afghanistan we have heard attacks in northern afghanistan in western afghanistan. all the election commission. members or are concerned about the turnout in october the election there were expecting more people to come in turnout for the water distribution they're not
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satisfied with the numbers that they're receiving. police in armenia have detained the opposition politician who called passion young and two of his colleagues have been leading anti-government protests but was arrested shortly after an unsuccessful meeting with the newly appointed prime minister. he's demanding the lead to step down accusing him of a power grab. pope francis has called for an end to the violence and more than twenty people including a journalist have been killed in anti-government protests over the past week. seen here in the blue shirt was shot dead while he was reporting about of the protests live on facebook one of governors colleagues has blamed a government sniper for his death protests broke out after controversial plans to overhaul workers' pensions. adding to the polls in paraguayans presidential elections forty six year old former senator they need to is expected to win the vote he supports low tax policies aimed at stimulating foreign investment and
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agricultural production. and thousands of people from pakistan's pashtun community are rallying in lahore demanding justice for what they see as decades of oppression protests began in february following the police killing of an aspiring model as the top stories for the news hour in twenty five minutes time off the inside story.


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